Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tragedi di Stadium Bukit Jalil..memang kimerks..
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
susah ke nak jg perasaan sy?
conversation between me and him via sms..
"abg nak balik kg baper ari bln?"
"syg balik umah abg chik jela..lelaki ade kt umah susah plak syg nak kuar masuk"
"owh..phm2..ok..sy xamik la cuti..sowi la..wat malu jerk.owg xajak terhegeh2 nak pegi"
"tak..syg pompuan..ada lak laki.takut syg je xselesa nanti.."
"bkn xajak,awk gak yg malu ckp kt abg..nak balik amik jela cuti..jgn lak awk slhkan abg..lapa2 nie mkn owg bru tau"
"orite..sius..sgt malu"
"ape2 jela cuk..nak balik amik cuti..xnak,jgn byk alsan malu la apela..xnak dgr!pls dont disturb me..asyik aku disalahkan..cuk ingat x?jap xnak ikut,jap nak ikut..nak plan jd tergantung..kalu plan nak balik tetibe xnak balik,ape nak bg alasan?"
"mtk maaf ye td mrh2..syg amik je cuti..nanti abg tanye pak cik"
sy berkecil ati k..
jgn ganggu sy..sy pun ade perasaan..mak awk yg ajak sy..awk xsuke..tlg ckp ngn mak awk..tq..
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
jiwa kacau!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
bosan biler..
Thursday, October 7, 2010
akibat sombong si tauke kedai!
'nak minum ape?'(dengan muke yg mcm nak mintak kayu besbol)'teh o ais dgn tembikai laici''makan?'tgh aku membelek2 menu ngn mie smbil pikir nak mkn ape..tetibe die ckp..'ikan pari,merah ngn kembung jerk yg ade..so nak amik ikan ape?'ek eleh minah nie..xsabar2..pundek btl..mood nak makan pun ilang..aku sebut je ikan ape yg aku nak..order ape yg patut..supaye die bley berambus cpt2..mkn lame aku tgk..rase cam nak nek tgn jerk..order sudah smpai..aku pun try la..xde la sedap mane..at the same time dtg la 1 group dak2 laki..amboii...tergediks2..aku ingat die ok la..lg teruk..siap sound lg..'kalau rase nak pikir lg nak mkn ape..sy bg mase 5 minit lg..'selamat la die xkua ayat tue mase amik order aku td..lau x..tau la die..very bad service!mie mintak air teh o ais nak tmbah..selambe jerk die jawab'sorry dah tutup'kuat nak mampus lak tue suare..pukimak btl..aku tgk ramai lg customer die..tp die selambe jerk tutup kedai..aku tgk jam baru kul 12..cam la kami nie makan free..biler die dtg nak kemas meja..aku suh die kire..aku plak wat muke kerek..aku tanye mie..bape byk hidangan yg kite makan td?5 katenye..so,aku telah membuat hasil seni kat alas meja..dengan membuat 5lubang menggunakan api rokok..hahaha..puas ati aku..cantik beb meja ko..padan muke!so,pade sesiape yg ade kedai makan jgn la menyombong..org dtg skali jerk beb..aku sarankan klu korg terjumpe kedai yg bername D'sentap..eh silap..D'santap Asam Pedas..xpayah la masuk..wat rugi duit jerk..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
seronok2 di hari raye
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
suke vs xsuke
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Kebaikan dan Keburukan Berkongsi Akaun Facebook
- kwnmu kwnku jua
- no jeles2..
- no cheating
- no mesra2 kt chat dgn kwn2 pompuan or lelaki
- jumlah sibling lebih ramai
- establish rapport wif family
- lebih mudah berkomunikasi tanpa syak wasangka
- pic jd byk
- kwn2 xtau sape yg on9
- stiap kali tgh on9, jd ter'log out' coz pihak yg 1 lg nak mengakses gak
- stiap kali kwn2 buzz kt chat,terpakse explain coz bkn org yg dimaksudkan
- kdgkala kwn2 die xsemer kt suke,so terpakse la wat2 terime..
preparation for hari raya..
"could u please give me a same one like that maniqueen.."kui kui
i dont care how much the price..as long as my syg choose
it..thanx 4 once again..muahx.. :x :x
Thursday, September 2, 2010
come back..
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
raye dh nak dekat..
Monday, August 23, 2010
aku sakit?
terkejut beruk aku..alahai doc..xde sakit len ke ko nak bg..kembong ke..cacing ke..nape la sakit tue yg ko bg kt aku..aku sedapkan ati sendiri..doc nie mesti x bertauliah..suka suki je ckp camtue..die pesan try makan ubat dulu..lau still sakit kna g hospital..aku pun kua dr bilik die dgn perasaan gundah gulana..amik ubat..aku terus rase nak menjerit..ade ke patut pil kaler hitam..cube la bg kaler pink ke..eh..xbley lak..tue pil menstruation..ape2 kaler la selain putih n hitam..kaler yg hensem2 sket la..biru ke..hijau petronas ke..xpun lagi cntik kalerful..huhu..byk cantik muke ko yna..ko ingat ko cntik ke?nak pilih2 lak..ahaks..so,dpendekkan cter..aku dpt mc..tgu abg amik..abg suh aku buke pose..die suh aku mkn ubat..aku xkisah sgt..yg aku kisah tang kaler pil tu n rase die..haish..so..aku dgn redhanye berbuka pose secare terpakse..sygnyeeeeeeeeeeee...ape nak wat..t sakit..aku dgn muke xmalunye g bli mcD..bkn drive thru..tp kt kaunter k..tapau..straw lupe amik..jgn arap aku nak u-turn balik..terus jln straight ke kete..wat2 muke cam ade mix mat saleh sket..huhu..Tuhan tau..bukan sengaje..amin...aku arap appendix tue hanye la kabar2 angin..ala..bak kate abg long..'A-pendek je pun..bukan A-panjang..' cittt!!aku mau berehat..sakt woo perut nie..chow..
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Puaskah kau sakitiku
Puaskah khianatiku
Puaskah ..Sayangku
Di manakah nuranimu
Di mana akal sehatmu
Sekarang kau campakanku
Setelah kau dapatkanku
Mungkin hanya bila ku mati
Kau ‘kan berhenti ‘tuk menyakiti
Sampai kapan aku begini
Terus begini
Terus engkau lukai
Ingatlah saat yang lalu
Saat kau peluk diriku
Tapi kini semua lalu
Kau tega khianatiku
Monday, August 16, 2010
poase oh poase..
Cik R E E Z I A N A B T R O Z L A N..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
bekerja di bulan ramadhan
Saturday, July 24, 2010
lepak time
Place:wang cafe,kota damansara
Partner:my buchuk2
Beverage:ice honey lemon
Dishes:pandan leaf chicken wif steamed white rice
P/s:aki,ifa,aidil,aree,zurin n safy..keje leklok k.cian korg.. :p
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
hari yg clumsy..
pg2 bute..kitowg la..dpt kunjungan dr Dato Seri Alex yg
membencikan..aku bukan takut tp die yg xbape takut ngn aku!report berlambak2 aku
xbuat..aku ngn aki attend training yg mcm xattend..ape yg Mak Cik Yap tue ckp
pun kitowg xtau..kitowg dh mcm masuk peraduan menulis jerk...sape plg cepat dpt
kete..kalo btl la..cnfirm aku yg menang..dlm kitowg tgh cbok menulis tetibe Alex
dtg lak kt pat training tue..yg rase2nye jaraknye lam 2 meter dr tempat
kitowg..muke xyah ckp la punye putih..foundation Estee Lauder pun blm tentu dpt
lwn..jerawat2 pun abis kecut..kitowg lari msuk fitting room..selamat Alex tue
xnampak..tetibe..aku terperasan seseowg yg same2 menyorok..Safyyyyyy!!!apakah
ertinye ko same2 menyemak dlm fitting room yg dh rupe jamban kaedahnye..aku dgn
xmalu n xsegan2nye menghalau Safy dgn ayat.."yg ko menyemak kt sini watpe? g kua usya Alex!"tetibe Safy dtg balik n ckp.. "wei..kaki kowg nampak la wei.."
tul..ntah camne la ley ade lubang kt bwh pintu nie..kitowg
terus wat aksi ala2
spiderman dgn melekatkan diri kt dinding..tp nampak
kurang berjaye..kitowg pun
tukar port..bukak pintu..Safy siap ckp "
1..2..3.."..haha..masuk store room
lak..memang xsempat gelak dh..cuak
pasal..tetibe aidil dtg..bg beberape
alat2 bantuan seperti
stepler,puncher n
kertas2 report tambahan..store room tue
dh la cam
bilik mayat..aku lau gerak
sket jerk...mau kene hempap dek
tangga..haha.. memang bongok!Aidil..nie
semer utk ko gak..lau kitowg
camtue..mesti c botak tue membebel bgai
nak rak kt
ko!chitt!p/s: aki,pasnie kite wat ari2 yerk..(konon2nye)
cuti time..
mak skg nie dh ade pc kt umah..dh mcm CC dh bilik mak nie..mak ingat nak wat cover charge la..skali masuk rm3..xpun sejam rm1.50..ley la kan tambah pendapatan mak..amacam roomate2 ku..ok ke tidak?mak sukeee!!!
tp mak baik..mak wakafkan je pc mak nie..mereka pun xberkire ngn mak kan?ha..pasnie mknan ape2 tgl2 la kt mak yg ayu nie..xkuase!mak nak ber'thanx' la kt laki mak coz sudi mensedekahkan pc nie kt mak..berpeloh2 laki mak angkat td dari tgkat 13..tp mak dh lap dh peloh2 die tue..maklumlah laki mak kan?lau owg len..mak xlayan k!mak nie baik budaknye..
haish..mak nie asik ingat pat keje je even cuti..mak suke sgt pegi keje skg nie..kwn2 bru mak semer sewel2 n vouge2 gitu!caya lah!bru la department mak howt..mr aidil..xmo ckp xhowt lg k..mereka2 semer bgus2 cume kekadang nervous jerk depan customer (nervous ke?).. =p
ok la..mak nak tdo dh nie..smbil memberikan peluang kt beliau2 yg nak gune pc mak nie..peace Y
dadadadaaaaaaaaaaaa...have a gud nite dr mak ayam..
Monday, July 19, 2010
keli oh keli..
Sunday, July 18, 2010
hari yg indah..
die datang lg..
aku ngantukkkk!!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
aku terpakse..
arini..aku hepi..syiok2 jerk keje..pg td bwk si ain g product knowledge..smpai lenguh2 kaki aku..x ingat gak pasnie aku sekeh2 kepale..(dgr tue ain..xtakut ke?)haha..wahai ain..jgn la nak sengal2 g..aku lak yg naik sengal ngn ko nie..aku transfer kt store room kang,xsmpai lak ati aku..cian lak pengantin baru nie..
zurin..asal ko nak gelak lebih2..nie pasal ko lak..gelak jerk tau..marah pun gelak..aku gelak lg kuat ko nye gelak..gelak jerk ko tau..nak kutuk ape pun xtau sebab ko tetap akan gelak..ko kan ratu gelak..(tgk tue..gelak jugakkkkkk)
safy..nampaknye ko cube ingin meluaskan empayar ko di sini..ko cube bwk geng ye safy..ko bwk la satu kampus tue kt sini..aku xtakut!aku pun ley ckp arab..haha..nak dengar x?ana pandaiyun cakapun arabun..ha..pandai kan?
ifa..ko ingat ko diam ko xkena?ko tggu la aku amik position bf ko kt m***n tue..abg arman pun mesti cbuk2 nak try gak..aku sebenarnye ade skandal ngn tauke m***n tue..aku memang suke org byk bulu nie tp aidil xla..xkuase makkkkkk!!!
ok la..aku nak chau lu..aku nak g melantak..haha..caloo..
Thursday, July 15, 2010
the star

Wednesday July 14, 2010
Whole lot of fun at Dataran
SPIRITS were high at Dataran Merdeka where 60,000 people turned up during the night of the World Cup 2010 finals with almost equal number of fans of both teams present throughout the match despite the wet and muddy field conditions.
The sound of vuvuzelas and cheers as well as groans seem to come simultaneously from the crowd that moved almost as one, united in their love for the game and the teams they supported.
Surrounding roads including Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Raja and Jalan Parlimen were double, triple and quadruple-parked on both sides by the start of the match, leaving only one lane free for other vehicles to pass.
Bumper crowd: 60,000 people gathered in front of the large screen at Dataran Merdeka.
Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail who turned up with his wife Datin Norkhayati Hashim to watch the match also received on behalf of City Hall the sMalaysia Book of Records certificate for the Biggest Outdoor LED World Cup Viewing Screen.
The screen measures 70ft by 30ft and is the latest addition to the Kulview 2010 that began simultaneously with the World Cup.
“It’s great to see so many locals turning up to watch the match on the giant screen we’ve put up here. I’m quite excited about the match myself as two of the original four teams I supported from the start made it to the finals,” Fuad said.
He added that for that night he would put his trust in Paul the infamous octopus who had predicted Spain’s win.
All cheers: Spain and Netherland supporters in high spirits before the start of the World Cup 2010 finals at Dataran Merdeka.
The night also set another unofficial record for the largest turnout for a match, with previous matches involving high profile teams only drawing about 4,000 spectators.
Prior to the 2am kick off, the Mayor’s Cup Futsal Open competition finals took place for both the men and women’s categories duking it out for the grand prize of RM500 and RM3,000 respectively as well as champion jerseys and the trophy.
For the record: Fuad (left) receiving the Malaysia Book of Records certificate for Dataran Merdeka’s officially “Biggest Outdoor LED World Cup Viewing Screen”.
Football fans that had already started arriving to secure spots on the field since 11pm were also entertained by performers onstage, a showcase by the DBKL marching band consisting of its enforcement officers and fire eaters.
One lucky Netherlands fan, Roshaniza Zulkiflee, 30, walked away on cloud nine that night as she was the lucky draw grand prize winner of a Kia Picanto.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
hepi besday to adam..